Bold Statements? You better believe it. Because it’s something WE DO EACH AND EVERY DAY!!! So, we know what we’re talking about.
We have created an unequaled, high quality book , that allows you to cause pure chaos to those who are on your radar. Hard-Hitting ideas are discussed from the minute you download this book. NOW you can get even with anyone who was ignorant enough to have inflicted mental or physical damage on you in the past. Imagine the power of superiority you will feel when your enemy is left angry, upset, tired and confused!
Before, all you could do was call the police. Then, they would fill out a report, and tell you that they would investigate. Or, perhaps, you have even had a case that went to court. Then, the bad news, your enemy was found not guilty, and is still walking the streets, laughing at you. Or, perhaps, getting his or her OWN revenge…
Deliver a Knockout Blow!
Throughout this book, we teach you how to go for the jugular vein. You should never allow your enemy to get up after you’ve got them on their back. Never give them opportunity for another breath.
“If you're soft or squeamish, this book isn't for you…”
Only the toughest, no-nonsense techniques were put in The Purpose Driven Knife Ebook.
Most of the revenge books written today deal with child's play and pranks. Or, long and complicated ideas that only work on television. In this amazing book, you're taught to go full-throttle until the smoke clears!
“Constantly deliver blows (figuratively) to their head.
So, if you’re only interested in mischief, check the Internet, it’s full of “pranks” that you can pull on your enemy. However, if you’re interested in total destruction, you’ve come to the right place.
This book currently helps the following people:
1. Those who have been screwed
2. Those who have been screwed
3. Those who have been screwed
Do you fit into any of those categories?
Every technique and strategy in this course has been “FIELD TESTED” by K’bir and his Purpose Driven Knife team. They’ve helped their clients get even, and save on outrageous lawyer fees. Now, you can gather the secrets!